Monday 4 July 2011

Leona Gets Ready to Rock

So I'm starting the whole "Peppard Blog" with a picture of a Leason.  Leona is the first from the family to escape to Oz.  I happened to snag this pic about 12 hours before she jumps on her flight.  As you can tell, she's absolutely heartbroken about missing the meeting tomorrow.

Leona thinks this is better than working

As difficult as it may be to comprehend, Eleanor's computer was having issues, and - even more shocking - I was tasked with fixing it before we left on vacation. 

Leona stopped by Eleanor's house to pick up (ahem) something, so I was able to give her a hug and gauge her mood for the big trip.

She's ready to go, packed and ready to rock.

For those interested, Leona has been designated 'pack-mule' of the trip, bringing a variety of sundries for her (now) Australian sons who are too cheap to stump for shipping costs.  More on that in subsequent posts.

Have a great trip Leona - see you's in Australia!

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