Saturday 9 July 2011

The Plan

Its pretty simple, really - spend the first three weeks abusing enjoying the hospitality of family, and then setting out like regular tourists.  Even before we board the plane, we are greatly indebted to the kindness and hospitality being provided to us by both Amy's family (in Brisbane), and Tegan's family (in MacKay).  We're stoked to meet the families of both!
We plan on having four primary destinations, each of which will offer a large palate of sights, experiences, and memories.

View Peppard Australia in a larger map

Week One(ish):  Brisbane
Amy's family is providing us a soft landing spot when we get in.  We'll use the time to decompress, get to know the fam, and begin exploring the Sunshine Coast.

Week Two-Three(ish):  MacKay
Nothing special here.

Ha!  Mackay is actually known as the home to unemployable Canadians!  We'll arrive in time to tour the area, probably the Whitsunday Islands, and I think something is happening on July 30th.  Wow, that's just three weeks away, I suppose I should start working on my speech.

(*Note:  Jon didn't ask me to give a speech, but he should be aware that one will be given with or without his consent)

Week Four(ish):  Darwin
Because we're going in Australian winter, we'll be able to physically withstand the heat in the capital city of the Northern Territory.  We're going straight-local on this one, renting a caravan and touring the national park Kakadu, amongst other adventures.

Week Five(ish):  Cairns
Of course the world-travel savvy amongst us already knew the destination (and correct pronunciation) since it is the central location to visit the Great Barrier Reef.  Mr and Mrs Jonathan Leason plan on meeting us there for some additional family time, it'll be great!

Alas, the trip ends too quickly as we jet to Sydney for just a couple of days.  We'll have just enough time to hit the tourist hot-spots (Opera House, Harbor) before heading back to Saskatoon.

Much more to follow.  Maybe we'll have some kid-specific posts.  Maybe Coralee will guest-blog?  Maybe this is the last post I'll do?  Regardless, hope we can provide some quick entertainment!

In closing, for my sister Dawn:  "bye for now".


1 comment:

  1. Hi Peppard Family:
    Loved the vacation through your eyes. Hopefully one day we will be able to go and see it for ourselves. Thanks for doing your blog for those of us here in Canada. See you when you get home.

    Uncle Lorne & Auntie Janet
