Sunday 17 July 2011

Stradbroke Island Laughs at Your Wildlife

Not content with filling our trip with 'regular' wildlife, George and Denise took us across to Stradbroke Island for a little rest and relaxation.  After a short ferry ride, we drove up to our house to drop the bags and survey the area.
Yes, it was cold up here
George's mate Ron owns a pretty spectacular little property up at the highest point on the island, which provides an incredible view of the local harbor, and more than 180 degree view from the island.  There are apparently other houses for rent, but none could possibly compare with the view we were afforded.  I guess membership has its privileges.
Spectacular View

Despite a little bit of rain, we went out on some walking paths and were able to see some Dolfins playing in the surf (first day), and a pod of whales passing by (second day).  George has been going to the island for 35 years and this was the first time he's seen whales - we were all really stoked.  Coralee even saw one breach - something I missed trying to find them in the viewfinder of the camera.  Got some good pics of the dolfins, alas nothing substantial of the whales.
They call me Ishmael

Oh, and (yawn) also saw some kangaroos sitting by the side of the path, untold flora and fauna, dramatic cliffs and gorges being battered by the ocean, miles and miles of sand beaches, surfers, lakes tinted brown by tea trees, beautiful Toyota Hilux's... I'm almost at a loss to type it up since it seems like we're just showing off.  Truth be told, it reminds me somewhat of British Columbia, with palm trees added.
Feet don't even touch the ground

Some housekeeping items:  I've been driving on the island to get 'the feel' of right hand drive in a very docile environment.  Its pretty easy, I'm feeling comfortable (and then nearly killed us by looking left for oncoming traffic instead of right) - the hardest part is constantly putting on the windshield windscreen wipers when attempting to signal.  Leona also picked up a new SIM card for Tabitha's old cell phone and now I've got what I've always wanted - a pink cell phone.

Tomorrow we're off to Australia zoo, perhaps a visit with some Canadian friends. a visit with Nathan and Amy's old congregation, and some white knuckling driving through morning rush hour in Brisbane.

Stay tuned!


  1. Heeheehee.. Pink! :) You are welcome! Stoked for you guys! Can't wait to fly out!

  2. YAY!!!!! Whales!!!!!! that's so awesome. I'm glad you liked it over there, I grew a love for the island when we first took Canadians over there and I saw it through their eyes. It's so close to Mum and Dad's and been a 'few times a yr camp site' since we were lil tikes. Have fun with the peeps in Cool-town! Give our huge hugs!

  3. Yes Alyn and Coralee are a spectular view.. Beautiful indeed;)
